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Course Description:

Innovation has become one of the most important skills necessary to adapt to, and survive, in the changing business environment. Israel values innovation and is a world leader in the number of startups per capita, and the home of dozens of multinational organizations’ R&D centers (like Intel, Microsoft, etc.). Therefore, it is the perfect lens through which to study about building innovation. This programme will provide a glimpse into the Israeli startup ecosystem and will provide a sense of how to grow such a culture. By understanding the essence of innovation and entrepreneurship, students will be able to enhance their current business value proposition and create new business models to address escalating human needs.


Course Instructor:

Professor Roni Michaely

Please refer to the Enrichment Webpage for more details of the Israeli Experiential Learning Tour

Enrichment Webpage

Course Instructor

Prof. Roni, Michaely


Course Description

Innovation has become one of the most important skills necessary to adapt to, and survive, in the changing business environment. Israel values innovation and is a world leader in the number of startups per capita, and the home of dozens of multinational
organizations’ R&D centers (like Intel, Microsoft, etc.). Therefore, it is the perfect lens through which to study about building innovation.

This programme will provide a glimpse into the Israeli startup ecosystem and will provide a sense of how to grow such a culture. By understanding the essence of innovation and entrepreneurship, students will be able to enhance their current business value proposition and create new business models to address escalating human needs.


Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1: Acquire a global understanding of the essence of innovation and entrepreneurship, especially the Israeli start-up ecosystem
CLO2: Develop and apply ideating and innovation execution skills
CLO3: Develop communication and presentation skills and apply them in business model pitching
CLO4: Develop collaboration and teaming skills


Course Prerequisite(s)



Offering Semester in 2023-2024

First Semester & Second Semester