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Application for Internal Transfer

Internal Transfer of Studies within HKU Business School by Current Students


Only non-final year students may apply for transfer between programmes within HKU Business School, which, if approved, will take effect from the First Semester of the following academic year. Students shall seek advice from their Faculty Academic Adviser, Programme Director and/or Academic Adviser at the Academic Advising Office before making an application.


While programme transfer is discouraged, students who, after thorough consideration, wish to pursue another programme in the School may apply to transfer between programmes within the School. Please note, however, that programme transfer is not guaranteed as applications are subject to consideration and approval on an individual merit basis, as well as the availability of places. It is therefore not advisable for students to make any changes to their study plan under their current curriculum prior to the application for a programme transfer. For students who have been granted approval for their intra-Faculty programme transfer application, they are not normally allowed to switch back to their original programme or transfer to another programme within the School again during their entire period of undergraduate study at HKU. 


Note: HKU Business School students who wish to transfer to programmes offered by another Faculty of the University and students of other Faculties who wish to transfer to the programmes offered by the School should visit the following website of the Academic Support and Examinations Section of the Registry for application details: ("Home" > "Internal Transfer of Studies") and submit their application through the Academic Services Office by e-mail.




Applicants’ previous public examination results prior to admission to the University, academic performance in the current curriculum at HKU, reasons for transfer of studies, and interview performance (if applicable) will be taken into consideration in evaluating the internal transfer application. Each application will be assessed on an individual basis.




Application for internal transfer of studies within HKU Business School in the First Semester of 2024-25 is open from March 26, 2024. Applicants shall submit their application online via the following link:


The application deadline is June 3, 2024 (Monday), Hong Kong Time.  Late application will NOT be accepted.


Each student can only submit one application for consideration and any duplicate application submitted to the School Office will not be processed. No interview will be required under normal circumstances. Applicants will be notified of the application result in around early August 2024.


Arrangements for courses taken before internal programme transfer


Please take note of the following arrangement for successful programme transfer within the School in 2024-25:


For successful transfer in 2024-25 to


Programmes other than BBA(Law)&LLB

All standard 6-credit courses* completed prior to the internal transfer, including failed course(s), if any, shall be transferred to the new curriculum and be included in the calculation of GPA and the determination of honours classification, insofar as the students would be able to fulfil the graduation requirements as prescribed in the respective degree regulations and syllabus of the curriculum upon transfer


• All courses under the UG5 requirements completed prior to the internal transfer, including failed course(s), if any, shall be transferred to the new curriculum and be included in the calculation of GPA and the determination of honours classification, insofar as the students would be able to fulfil the graduation requirements as prescribed in the BBA(Law)&LLB degree regulations and syllabus upon transfer


• For other non-UG5 courses successfully completed prior to the internal transfer, exemption may be granted and the students would be required to take an equivalent number of credits of the respective courses as replacement

*Courses of professional curriculum/curricula which do not follow the standard 6-credit structure (e.g. MBBS courses under the MBBS curriculum) would not normally be transferred to the new curriculum upon successful programme transfer.


Please also pay attention to the following credit requirement of HKU Business School curriculum and make sure that sufficient credits would be available for fulfilling the graduation requirements as prescribed in the respective degree regulations and syllabus of the curriculum upon successful programme transfer, under the above-mentioned arrangement:


Credit requirement

Programmes other than BBA(Law)&LLB


Number of credits required for a degree ^

240 credits

300 credits

Max. number of credits for a degree ^

288 credits

(or 432 credits, inclusive of courses taken to make up for failed credits)

360 credits

(or 576 credits, inclusive of courses taken to make up for failed credits)

^ All credits transferred to the new curriculum will be counted towards the fulfilment of the credit requirement of the curriculum.



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Tel: (852) 3917-5343



Last updated: March 2024
**Information listed here is subject to review from time to time and may be changed without prior notice.**