The Bachelor of Economics [BEcon] programme trains students in economic theory, statistical tools, and the application of theory to solve practical economic problems in trade, banking, and the labour market. Students will also learn to evaluate the regional economic performance of China, Hong Kong and other economies. Students will be furnished with solid theoretical and empirical economic knowledge to analyse and understand human behaviour and social interactions. The programme allows students a high degree of flexibility in planning their futrue career specialisation. Students may also declare a minor or a second major if they are able to meet the respective requirements.
BEcon students are required to take a total of 240 credit units of courses for the 4-year curriculum.
Bachelor of Economics [BEcon]
Intake of 2019-2020
Intake of 2018-2019
Intake of 2017-2018
Intake of 2016-2017
Intake of 2015-2016
Intake of 2014-2015
Intake of 2013-2014
Intake of 2012-2013
Programme Director

Deputy Programme Director and Admissions Tutor