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With an aim to enhance students’ cultural sensitivity and adaptability in the post-pandemic job market, HKU Business School has been participating in the following Virtual Business Projects hosted by USC Marshall and the University of Warwick, respectively. All Year-2 or above undergraduate business school students are welcome to join!

Students will be provided opportunities to team up with students virtually from renowned universities and complete designated business projects within 4 to 6 weeks. Please refer to more details below about these 2 programmes participated by HKU Business School:





USC Virtual Business Professional (VBP) Project

Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California (USC)

Fall 2023 cohort:

9 October to 20 November 2023

Spring 2024 cohort: To be announced

*Fall 2023 cohort programme is open for application NOW!


TeamWork Global Virtual International Programme

University of Warwick

4 weeks from late-June to late July

(to be confirmed)

Reference of Summer 2023 Programme



Past Student Participants Sharing

 “The VBP project gave us the exact picture of how remote working and online conferences in the post-covid era. The whole business world has been digitalized and globalized. Proficiency in virtual projects, and supporting software like Zoom, Slack, and Google documents are essential for one to excel in his or her position. Another perk is that you could meet people from all over the world. The world is so big and quickly transiting. Being international and culturally sensitive would certainly help your advancement in your future career.  

We got to choose between studying the environmentally-friendly policies or D&I campaigns of a company we have chosen. It was fascinating to know how ESG has become a hot topic in recent years with Fortune 500 companies dedicating millions of USD into its development. In this age where the public demands profit-making organizations to be also socially responsible, ESG is a prospective career for many business students.”

VBP Participant, Spring 2023


“While I did work in online environments for group projects before, this was really the first activity in which the participants all had different backgrounds, schedules, and time zones. One of the more satisfying aspects of the program was getting these students of completely different circumstances together and cooperating with each other, despite having very little in common and not knowing each other at all before the program.”

VBP Participant, Fall 2022


“The TeamWork programme enhanced my international experience and teamwork skills.  Working with diverse peers from China and the UK, we collaborated on a marketing project for a video production services company.  Despite language barriers and virtual communication, I learned effective team communication.  Identifying marketing issues, we developed successful strategies, earning praise from mentors.  This project taught me valuable problem-solving and collaboration skills for my future career.”

TeamWork Global Virtual International Programme Participant, Summer 2023


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