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With the generous support and donation from our long-standing corporate partners and community leaders, HKU Business School established the Future Leader Scholarship Program in 2021 with the aims to recognize the academic achievements of local undergraduate students and to encourage them to participate in various kinds of out-of-classroom learning activities (e.g. study tours, service trips, professional examinations, internships, etc.) so that their competitiveness in the fast-changing business landscape can be enhanced.


Forms of Scholarship

Under the Scholarship Program, around 100 scholarships are offered each year in collaboration with our donors and corporate partners, including but not limited to:


AKwok Charitable Fund;

BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited;

Mr. Michael Chan and family;

The Fan Family Charitable Trust;

Dr. Patrick Poon; and

Raffles Family Office.


Each scholarship recipient receives a one-off grant of HK$20,000 and is eligible to receive the scholarship once throughout his/her undergraduate studies.



- Full-time Year 2 & 3 local undergraduate students in the academic year 2022-23 who have completed at least two regular semesters of study in the HKU Business School at the time of application;

- Having obtained a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0 or being ranked top 15% in their respective academic years and degree curricula (i.e. Year-2 or Year-3 students reading the UG degree curricula offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics);

- Having no record of academic misconduct; and

- Any other requirements as specified by the donors.


Application Method

Students are required to submit an online application form HERE and upload the following documents:

1. Most updated CV; and

2. a 500-word essay describing yourself and your career aspirations, and a plan of how to utilize the scholarship in the 2023-24 academic year*, if awarded; and

3. Supporting documents to testify your Mainland experience, community service / volunteer experience, if any.


*Note: The School will roll out a credit-bearing Israeli experiential learning course (6 HKU credits) in the academic year 2023-24. The course will run twice a year during the Semester 1 Reading Week and the Semester 2 Reading Week, subject to the number of enrolments. Award recipients may utilize the scholarship as part, if not all, of the programme fee of this unique learning opportunity. More details about the course will be announced in early June. Please stay tuned.


Announcement of Results

The results of the scholarship awardees shall be announced in end of July / early August 2023.


Application Deadline

5:00 p.m., June 29, 2023 (Thursday)


For more information about the Scholarship Program, please click here.


HKU Business School - Future Leader Scholarship Program 2023-24