The Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance [BBA(Acc&Fin)] programme prepares students for a professional qualification in accounting and provides the broad-based education necessary for progressing towards a leadership role in the financial sector. Professional preparation programmes are tailor-made for students, and some internship opportunities with renowned accounting firms and financial sectors are also available for students. The programme is accredited as an approved accountancy programme under the Professional Accreditation System of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) and CPA Australia. Graduates are recognised by the HKICPA as accountancy degree holders and as having fulfilled the stipulated pre-entry educational requirements. They can be qualified as professional accountants by successfully completing the HKICPA Qualification Programme (QP) and obtaining relevant working experience.
Students of the BBA(Acc&Fin) programme are required to complete 240 credit units for the 4-year curriculum. Graduates of the degree of BBA(Acc&Fin) are eligible to obtain maximum exemptions from professional examinations organised by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), and need to take only four papers. They can also be qualified as members of the ACCA by successfully completing the examinations and obtaining relevant working experience.
Alternatively, graduates will be exempted from all the 6 Foundation Level exams and will be eligible to apply for the CPA Australia Associate membership.
In addition, students of the BBA(Acc&Fin) programme are eligible to enrol in the CGMA® Finance Leadership Program and kickstart their journey to become a member of Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and a Chartered Global Management Accountant while they are studying in the University.
(i) Important notes on ACCA Qualification Exemptions
(ii) HKICPA Requirement for QP - completion of ECON1220 for 2012/2013, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 intakes.
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance [BBA(Acc&Fin)]
Intake of 2019-2020
Intake of 2018-2019
Intake of 2017-2018
Intake of 2016-2017
Intake of 2015-2016
Intake of 2014-2015
Intake of 2013-2014
Intake of 2012-2013
Programme Director

Deputy Programme Director and Admissions Tutor