Application for URFP 2025-26 is now open!
The URFP is a prestigious programme aimed to enhance students’ learning experience and to nurture the next generation of researchers/scholars. It offers opportunities for academically outstanding students to undertake research under the guidance and supervision of academic staff who have a strong research track record and experience in training research postgraduate students. Students enrolled in the URFP are required to undertake a research study. Research internship may form an essential part of such a research study, if determined by the supervisors concerned.
Eligibility Criteria
The following are eligible for participating in the URFP:
Students of the BBA(IBGM), BEcon, BEcon&Fin, BFin(AMPB) or BSc(QFin) curriculum:
(a) who are in the 90th percentile of top students in a study programme; or
(b) who have a cumulative GPA of 3.50 and above.
Year of Study
Students generally enroll in the URFP in their final year of study (in 2025-26). Flexibility is provided for cases with strong research interest and potential are identified earlier than the final year.
URFP Components and Postgraduate Courses for attendance
Credit-bearing components
All students enrolled in the URFP will be required to take two prescribed postgraduate level courses and produce a dissertation paper for assessment:
Courses | Credits |
ECON4294 / FINA4392 Dissertation | 12 |
Two courses from the following postgraduate level courses: (subject to availability) | 12 |
- The above-listed courses can be counted as advanced level economics disciplinary electives.
- All assessment results of the courses will be recorded on the transcripts of students and counted towards the fulfilment of the graduation requirement.
- The course descriptions of the above courses for 2024-25 can be found in Annex I for reference.
Non credit-bearing components / Research Postgraduate (RPg) courses and other seminars available for attendance:
URFP participants are also encouraged to attend postgraduate seminars organized by Faculty of Business and Economics but attendance is not compulsory. (Note: Notification emails will be sent to URFP participants regarding the details of seminars, and attendance at the seminars will be taken for record purpose.)
The list of RPg courses to be offered in 2025-26 has yet to be finalized, please refer to the following link for the list of RPg courses currently on offer as well as the course outlines:
Remark: URFP participants’ enrolment in RPg courses is subject to availability and approval of the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee.
All students enrolled in the URFP will be required to produce a research deliverable, e.g. dissertation, research paper, etc., with acknowledgement of funding, for assessment. Students who have participated in research internship are required to submit a report on the internship in addition to the research deliverable.
Supervisory Arrangements
Students are expected to seek a supervisor based on their research interests prior to the submission of URFP application (same arrangement applies to students who would like to take the Dissertation course). The supervisor should be an academic staff (i.e. at the rank of assistant professor or above) of the Faculty of Business and Economics. Being able to identify a supervisor to supervise the dissertation and have the dissertation topic defined are necessary for the URFP application.
Responsibilities of Supervisors
A supervisor’s responsibilities include helping the student to define the topic of his/her research study; determining whether research internship is to be required for the student’s research study and making arrangements for the student to undertake such an internship if required; setting work targets for any internship to be undertaken by the student; arranging regular meetings with the student at which all matters relating to the student’s research study can be discussed with the supervisor; and monitoring the student’s progress through to completion of his/her research study.
The fellowship will be recorded in the transcripts of students who have successfully completed the URFP. Awards will be established to recognise outstanding performance.
University Research Internship Awards
Research internship awards under the URFP 2025-26 will be funded by the Leung Kau Kui Research and Teaching Endowment Fund with co-funding from Faculties as well as the Joseph Chow Education Fund. They are generally expected to take place during inter-semester breaks, and if there are alternative arrangements, sound justification should be provided.
Normal times
For overseas research internships, the value of an award is up to HK$40,000 for a period of not less than 8 weeks on a full-time basis to cover economy return airfare and part of overseas accommodation and living costs. For research internships in Hong Kong or the Mainland, the value of an award is HK$15,000 for the same period as stated above.
COVID times
When the COVID-19 outbreak pertains and imposes restrictions on international travel, the internships are generally expected to take place either in Hong Kong or through remote supervision from overseas host supervisors. Overseas internship awardees are required to seek alternative arrangements in order to meet the said requirements. The value of each research internship award will be capped at a maximum of HK$10,000.
(In planning research internship in a Mainland or an overseas university, supervisors and students are advised to take into account the following: international status of the placement university; the availability of suitable academic staff to supervise the student’s research internship and research facilities in the placement university; the associated risks and extra expenses incurred in case of any travel restrictions after the completion of the internship; availability of accommodation for the student, and visa requirements for internships of different countries. Please seek the Admission Office’s advice on visa requirements, if needed.)
Application Procedures and Timetable
Interested students should complete a Statement of Intent (Attachment I), countersigned by the supervisor of the dissertation, and submit it in soft copy together with an updated CV to Ms. Ada Lam of the Faculty Office by email to no later than March 13, 2025 (Thursday).
Applicants who will undertake research internship* arranged by their supervisors should also complete Parts A to D of the application form for University Research Internship Awards (Attachment II) and submit it, in both PDF and Word formats, to Ms. Lam by the same deadline (i.e. March 13, 2025 (Thursday)).
(*Note: Applicants who wish to undertake research internship should consult their supervisors directly for the availability of research internship in summer 2025. Availability of opportunity and funding of research internship is subject to arrangement by the supervisors concerned.)
Selection of Participants
Selection will be based on students’ academic merits and their Statement of Intent. Where necessary, an interview may be arranged.
Notification of Selection Results
Selection results will be announced by the Working Group on URFP through the Faculty in mid-April 2025.
Contact Person
Please contact the following if you have any enquiries about the URFP:
Name: Ms. Ada Lam
Tel. no.: 3917-2204