Mainland Programmes
Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship in China Summer Programme 2019
"CIEC Programme was a once-in-a-lifetime experience as I was able to go to multiple cities within the Greater Bay Area to explore start-ups and corporates that integrated innovation into their companies. This programme also gave me the opportunity to meet people from all different walks of life and allowed me to make some life-long friends during the three weeks. Definitely one of the best experiences I had at HKU!"
CHOO Yue Fen Luana, BBA

"This fantastic programme brought me opportunities to visit renowned companies and meet with innovative start-ups. It also offered me a taste of the real entrepreneur mindset. Distinguished and knowledgeable guests provided insights deep into different industries that I haven’t even dreamed of before. It was definitely a useful experience which could facilitate my future career, no matter if I want to start a new company or work as a manger in a big company."
TAN Tixuan, BSc(QFin)

"CIEC provided a fantastic insight into the life and development in Greater Bay Area of Mainland China. Interacting with business representatives from different industries and students from all around the world helped me to gain a better understanding of the development of modern China. The programme also opened my eyes to another world of opportunity and business. I'm sure I'll be back in not too long!"
VUONG Steven, King's College London
"CIEC was definitely a valuable experience and memory for me where I gained friendship, knowledge and self-improvement. The Programme Directors, Mr. Joseph Chan and Dr. Jing Li, provided us with lots of wonderful insights towards the Greater Bay Area and the new leading area in the Fintech and Economic areas. They also inspired participants to expand our mind towards innovation and to understand the growth of the start-up business by learning from renowned enterprises and incubators within the Greater Bay Area."
XIE Zihao, Australian National University
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