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KPMG Business Administration Paper 2016

Deadline: 07 Oct 2016 (Closed)
Location: Hong Kong

Looking for another first ever business case competition to kick-start the new academic year? Here’s a golden opportunity!

About KPMG BA Paper 2016
Business Administration Paper 2016 is an international case competition held annually by the Hong Kong Federation of Business Students (HKFBS). With a remarkable history of 30 years, it is widely recognized by top professionals from the business field and the academia. The competition consists of 5 stages – Opening, First Round, Semi Final, Grand Final and Award Dinner cum Business Elites Forum.

This year, the theme of the competition is “The Digital Entrepreneur”. Under this theme, participating teams are required to build a start-up model incorporating digital technology. Nonetheless, BA Paper is far more than just a business-plan writing competition ─ it is a platform that gathers all the bright minds together to foster thinking, learning and inspiration, and provoke conversations of creative ideas.

Team Formation Requirements
2 to 4 undergraduate students from ANY university
At least one business student in the team

Application Deadline: 7 October 2016 (Friday)

Winnings teams will receive cash prize of up to $15,000, internship opportunities, and more!
Learn more and apply at