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GBA Talent 100

Deadline: 10 Nov 2023 (Closed)
Location: Guangzhou

To: All UG Students


The GBA Talent 100, co-organized bythe CFA China, Standard Chartered and KPMG China, is inviting applications now.


The competition aims to encourage students to expand their horizons through a diversified progression pathway and develop international perspectives in the financial industry. Participants will receive individual guidance from senior industry mentors and the opportunity to visit Standard Chartered and KPMG China offices. All programme activities will be conducted in Chinese, and participants are required to speak fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese.


Outstanding participants will have the opportunity to receive individual recommendation letters and internship opportunities at KPMG China, as well as fee waivers for the CFA exam.


Key Dates

October 10, 2023

Online registration deadline for Talent Day 1

October 20, 2023

Talent Day 1 – Networking session

October - November, 2023

Online courses – such as Python, ESG investment

November 10, 2023

Online application deadline

November 17, 2023

Talent Day 2 – Networking session

November 2023

Written test on Financial knowledge and Result announcement of the Top 200

December 1 - 17, 2023

First online consultation with senior industry mentor

January 2024

Talent Day 3 – Networking session

January 8, 2024

Group Task - Case release

January 10 - 28, 2024

Second online consultation with senior industry mentor

January 28, 2024

Submission of group task report

February, 2024

Result announcement of the Top 100

March, 2024

Presentation Round - Oral presentation & mock Interview



Interested students should submit the online application formbyFriday, November 10, 2023.


For more details about the competition, you may refer to the eDM below. For enquiries, please contact Mr. Chow at

(only Traditional Chinese version is available)

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大灣區金融職場練習生 GBA Talent 100


CFA China、渣打Standard Chartered 、畢馬威中國(KPMG China)聯合打造的大灣區金融職場練習生(GBA Talent 100),旨在為粵港澳大灣區(以下簡稱大灣區)提供未來金融人才,協助大灣區內(包括香港)大專院校學生裝備自己,並為日後投身金融業作準備。  


活動中,我們將向各位參加者們提供階梯式的專業學習機會,多元開放的職場交流氛圍,前瞻性的國際視野等。學生參加者將與金融行業零距離接觸,接受資深行業導師的11指導,到訪渣打Standard Chartered 及畢馬威中國(KPMG China)的辦公室參觀,並和志同道合的夥伴互相激勵、砥礪前行。





1. 正在就讀於香港本地的大學學士學位的全日制學位課程 

2. 能閱讀和書寫中文及英文 

3. 能操流利粵語、英語及普通話  







如有疑問,請電郵到 與周先生聯絡。


  1. Please note that student participants in this Competition will be responsible for their own safety while outside Hong Kong. Students must pay for all expenses related to the Mainland trips and arrange for their own insurance which covers the whole period of their stays. The School will not be responsible for any expenses incurred in this competition.

  1. Students must pay all expenses related to the trips given that participants are required to arrange their own trips to Mainland. Our School will not be responsible for any expenses incurred in this competition plus the Mainland trips (i.e. Guangzhou; Shenzhen).

  1. The data collectedis solely administered by the organizers. The School shall not be held liable in the case that disputes, loss or any other situations arise.